BankGenome™ Analytics

Invictus’s Community Bank Database (BankGenome™) aggregates loan level and loss information for community banks as far back as 2005. This information is used to augment many of the other elements of the capital stack, but we’re also making it available to bankers.


Unique Loans
Loan Instances

Augment your ACL

Have you wondered whether your ACL reserve is adequate, but simply don’t have the data to evaluate it? Invictus can help. We can provide overall loss information by category, industry, location, and many other factors to help you validate your ACL calculation.


In August of 2021, the Federal Reserve released a method for small banks to calculate their ACL: Scaled CECL Allowance for Losses Estimator (SCALE). This method uses aggregated community bank information to estimate reserves for your loans. Invictus has developed a low-cost solution that integrates critical components of SCALE in one place, and aggregates the peer bank information instantly so you can see how your reserve changes by adding or removing certain peers. We even provide a ‘match score’ so you can see which institutions have similar loan portfolios to your own. Get yourself out of the depths of spreadsheets – let upSCALE make your SCALE implementation easy.

Explore the Data

We don’t pretend to know every question you’d like to ask of a dataset like this one. That’s why we’re prepared to make the account-level detail available to you. Keep in mind that we have to protect our clients – so you won’t know where these loan came from, but you will be able to seek answers for some of those nagging questions that publicly available datasets simply don’t address:

  • How do my risk ratings compare to other banks?
  • Are my LTV ratios to aggressive compared to my peers?
  • I wonder if I’m pricing my loans significantly above or below market rates?

Note: In order to access this level of information, you must participate in the data exchange.

We give our clients a competitive advantage.