Message from Chairman

An overview from Kamal Mustafa


The Invictus Group creates disruptive analytics to give clients and investors a competitive edge.
We are leaders, not followers.

Kamal Mustafa, Invictus Group Chairman, speaks to bankers about market trends.

Kamal Mustafa, Invictus Group Chairman, speaks to bankers about market trends.


We realized that the 2008 financial recession forever altered the two bedrocks of banking, risk and reward, rendering traditional analytics impotent.

We saw a market need for a forward-looking risk/return analytical system symbiotically linked to appropriate data. To build this, we went back to the basics (zeros and ones) of banking. This process started in 2011 with the creation of BankGenome™, a system focused on defining and capturing the fundamental characteristics of individual bank’s loans and deposits. This database of granular loan-level information has continued to grow synergistically, with ever-evolving forward-looking analytics.

The concepts that underlie regulatory thinking about capital adequacy (stress testing) and loan reserve allocation (CECL) play a role in our analytical systems. We are uniquely situated to create and evolve pragmatic and accurate approaches to stress testing, capital planning, strategic planning, mergers and acquisitions and CECL analysis because our system can react instantly to market changes.

Invictus is committed to providing unmatched industry, peer and competitive analysis that keeps improving as our database grows. Because our approach is rooted in banking fundamentals, it builds critical links between seemingly disparate analytical activities.

As chairman, I promise that we will never stop working to develop precision data and analytical tools to help community bank CEOs maximize shareholder value, enhance profitability and gain a competitive edge. It is who we are and what we do.

kamal-sigKamal Mustafa,


We give our clients a competitive advantage.